Areas of Work

TCT Tyne to Tweed's work is grounded in a desire to transform communities so that they are places where people feel confident that they belong and comfortable mixing and interacting with others. We achieve this by working with churches, communities and organisations in a variety of ways to find the best fit locally.

We focus on:

  • Supporting local churches in mission and community engagement
  • Seeking to create a fairer financial system
  • Promoting wellbeing

We can help by:

  • Working with you to develop your ideas; being a sounding board.
  • Speaking at Churches/organisations or running/leading a discussion group.
  • Developing activities that meet the needs of your community.
  • Helping you to make plans which will make your idea manageable/achievable.
  • Providing training/resources.
  • Having honest conversations about money.
  • Helping you to complete funding applications.
  • Linking people and organisations who want to do similar things.
  • Helping you discover, and use, the gifts and skills in your church and community.

We want to build stronger associations and relationships in communities

Community cohesion describes the ability of communities to function and grow together but, of course, every community is different, and the changes that people in each community are looking for may be different too. That’s why TCT Tyne to Tweed believes in bringing people together, and helping them to work together, to improve things in their own neighbourhoods.


Transforming Communities Together: Tyne to Tweed is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone involved in, and impacted by, the projects we deliver and support. We are committed to following legislation, guidance and recognised good practice. We follow the Diocese of Newcastle’s safeguarding principles and policy. You can view our safeguarding policy statement here.

People experiencing financial distress, particularly those on low incomes, are often reluctant to talk about their problems or seek help.
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Everyone needs friendship and conversation. Yet we know that loneliness and social isolation are real issues for lots of people in the UK – of all ages.
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The issues facing people with mental health problems are wide-ranging and complex. Often there are no easy solutions.
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