About Us
Transforming Communities Together Tyne to Tweed is part of the Together Network, a national network of faith-based charities dedicated to working locally with churches, individuals and organisations.
We support local churches, engage communities and get involved in neighbourhoods through practical action, by helping to develop a wide range of projects. We are supported by the Church Urban Fund (CUF) and the Diocese of Newcastle to create faith-based social action in communities between 'Tyne and Tweed'.
We believe that the local church is at the heart of making a difference, and can contribute to creating a flourishing and thriving neighbourhood life for everyone. At the heart of everything we do is something we call ABCD, or Asset-based Community Development. It’s a way of working that makes the most of the skills and capacities from the local area:
- Identifying and channelling local skills, gifts and resources
- Building relationships – it’s what we are good at!
- Recognising the unique worth of each person
Together we can all make a difference and bring about change for the common good
Our team


Church Urban Fund
Church Urban Fund (CUF) was established by the Church of England as a practical response to unmet need and has been active in local communities for over 30 years. CUFs vision is to see people and communities all over England flourish and enjoy life in all its fullness.

Together Network
The Together Network is an alliance of 21 charities known as joint ventures linked by faith and driven by the desire to see communities flourish throughout England.