Know you church, know your neighbourhood (KYCKYN)

Know Your Church, Know Your Neighbourhood (KYCKYN) is a facilitated process designed to help churches think about themselves in relation to the local communities they seek to serve, and make prayerful and informed decisions about their mission in those communities.
The process gives a small group of church members the tools to reflect on the gifts and assets within their congregation and how the church is seen by others. It will also equip them to listen to the wider community, celebrating its strengths and developing a deeper understanding of its needs. Sharing their findings with the wider congregation, the church is then able to make prayerful and intentional decisions about how it wants to respond.
TCT Tyne to Tweed has adapted the programme to run online or face-to-face. We can further adapt to the needs of individual churches and neighbourhoods. KYCKYN usually consists of four sessions of two hours, delivered over a three-month period. There are also some tasks for the group to do in between these sessions.
Whilst the details of KYCKYN can be adapted, the core aims of the process remain the same. As a result of taking part, we hope that you, as a church, are able to
- Understand the place of your church within the neighbourhood, as you think about and collect information on how your church looks, feels and interacts with people who are not currently involved in the life of church.
- Develop a vision for your neighbourhood, as you begin to think about what a flourishing neighbourhood might look like and how God might be discovered within it.
- Learn about your local neighbourhood, finding out more about its strengths and needs through a process of collecting information and listening to friends, neighbours, local people and organisations.
- Develop an active response, as you prayerfully reflect on all you have learnt and decide what to do next.
To find out more please contact: